Force Preview Dial
National or state regulations might require that certain numbers cannot be auto-dialed (cell phone numbers for example). The Force Preview Dial feature forces the interviewer to manually select the dial button for specific participant records, thus avoiding silent calls.
To configure a participant records sample
To configure participant records for Force Preview Dial, edit the participant records file to include the RequiresManualDial field and specify a value of 1 for each record that requires manual dialing. For example:
001;Benjamin Brown;South East;pry6354;1
002;Veronica Burr;Midlands;qre9510;1
003;Rebecca Noakes;West;mtev037;1
For more information, see
Participant file format.
When the participant records file is uploaded via the UNICOM Intelligence Interviewer Server - Admin’s Participant activity, all records that have a value of 1 for the RequiresManualDial field will require the interviewer to manually initiate dialing.
If KeyPadManualDial is enabled (see
Enforcing manual dialing), the default value for RequiresManualDial is 1.
See also