Server User Guides > Interviewer - Server > Export Data > Advanced options
Advanced options
To open the Export Data dialog appears, click Advanced from Export Data.
Connection Properties tab
Use the Connection Properties tab to define the mr Init Custom portion of both the input and output connection strings.
The Connection Properties tab is visible only if you are assigned the canAlterConnectionProperties feature for the Export Data activity. For more information on activity features, see Assigning users or roles to activities.
Input MR Init Custom
The MR Init Custom portion of the input connection string.
For more information, see MR Init Custom.
Output MR Init Custom
The MR Init Custom portion of the output connection string.
MDM Properties tab
Use the MDM Properties tab to specify the version, language, context, and label type that you want to export.
Questionnaire definition (.mdd) files typically contain versions, which record any changes to the content of the questionnaire. When the questionnaire changes (for example, a question or category is added or deleted), a new version is created and when the changes are complete, the version is locked.
Using a combination of some or all of the versions is useful when, for example, you want to export case data for more than one version and there have been changes to the variable and category definitions that mean that case data collected with one version is not valid in another version. Selecting all of the versions for which you want to export the case data, means that generally you can export the case data collected with the different versions at the same time without encountering validity errors due to the differences between the versions. However, depending on the version changes, some validity errors might still occur.
Current version
Displays an expression that represents the selection you have chosen. You can select the versions you want to use by typing an expression in the box.
Specifies all versions
v1 , v2 , v3 , v4
Specifies individual versions
v1 .. v2
Specifies an inclusive range of versions
^ v1 .. v2
Excludes a range of versions
Specifies the most recent version
You can specify a combination of individual versions, and ranges to include or exclude. For example, the following specifies version 3:2 and all versions from 4:5 to 7:3 with the exception of versions 7 through 7:2:
3:2, 4:5..7:3, ^7..7:2
When there is a conflict between the versions, the order of precedence is taken from the order in which versions are specified in the expression, with the rightmost versions taking precedence over the leftmost. For example, if a category label differs in the versions you select, the text in the version with the higher precedence will be used. However the order of questions and categories is always taken from the most recent version and there is special handling of changes to loop definition ranges and the minimum and maximum values of variables.
Use the most recent version.
Use a combination (superset) of all of the available versions. This is sometimes called a superversion.
A list of all of the versions that are available. For each version, the following information is shown:
Name: The version name: see Version names.
Created by: The user who created the version.
Created Date: When the version was locked.
Description: More information about the version.
Select the language you want to use. You can change the language only if there is more than one language defined.
Select the user context you want to use. The user context controls which texts are displayed. For example, select Question to display question texts, or Analysis to display shorter texts suitable for displaying when analyzing the data.
Select the label type you want to use. You should generally select the Label option.
See also
Version expressions
Export Data