Server User Guides > Survey Tabulation > Exporting tables > Exports dialog > Microsoft Excel Exports dialog
Microsoft Excel Exports dialog
When you select the Microsoft Excel option in the Exports dialog (see Exports dialog), some extra options are available. To use this option, Microsoft Office 2007 or later must be installed on your computer.
You might need to set an access security setting in Microsoft Excel before you can run the export: see Enabling security access for Microsoft Excel, Word, and PowerPoint exports.
Display charts
You can export data in chart format. The export creates each chart on a separate worksheet immediately after the worksheet that contains the related table. Select a chart type from the list. To use a custom chart that you have created in Excel, type the name of the custom chart. To specify a chart template (Excel 2007 only), click Browse to select the desired file. For details of the way in which you can display data in charts, see the "Display results in charts" topic.
The chart type you select is used only if you have not specified a chart type for a table using the Table Properties dialog on the View Tables tab.
The Excel worksheets that contain the tables are called T1, T2, T3, etc. The worksheets that contain charts are called T1_ch, T2_ch, T3_ch, etc. where T1, T2, and T3 are the names of the worksheets containing the tables to which they relate.
Hide Excel during export
Hides Excel during the export. This makes the export faster.
Launch Excel after export
Opens the file that contains the exported tables in Excel when the export is complete.
Save to file
Check this box and enter a name and location for the output file, or choose the Browse button to browse to the folder where you want to save it. If you do not specify a save location, and the Launch after export option is also not selected, you are prompted to either launch the associated application or select a save location.
Advanced Excel export properties
See also
Exports dialog