A transition is when a flow navigates from one state to the next state. For detailed information on transitions, see Transitions.
A transition can take place only if:
▪ The source state has defined ID and departure event.
▪ The source state is not final state.
▪ The target state is not initial state.
To define a transition
1 In the Project Explorer pane, double-click the Transaction file that you want to edit.
2 In the Transaction editor, click the Flow tab.
3 There are two ways to create a transition.
▪ Click Transition in the Palette. Then click a state in the Editing area and drag to another state.
▪ Click the state in the Editing area and two connection handlers of in and out directions appear beside it. Click one of the handlers and drag to another state.
4 An event is automatically pre-assigned to the transition using the following rules.
▪ If Name of target state (A) & event Name of source state (B) (ignore case & diacritical marks):
▪ A = B
▪ A starts with B
▪ A contains B
Name of target state (A): If the target state is page, operation, or subFlow state, when the Name of target state (A) is undefined, A would be the page, operation or subFlow bound with the state.
▪ When multiple events match the first rule, select the first event in original order.
▪ If no event matches the first rule, select the first event in alphabetic order.
5 You could also assign another event manually as the following sub-steps.
▪ Double-click the icon above the transition in the Editing area.
▪ Alternatively, you could click the Browse icon of the Name field in the Properties tab.
Both ways could open the Select Events window.
▪ In the Select Events window, select the event that you want to add to the transition, and then click OK.