You can copy or move one or more elements between different operations or flows in the same project or different definition folders in the same workspace.
1 Select the element you want to copy or move.
For single selection, you should select a element in the following list:
▪ Context or its child in Context editor
▪ Format or its child in Format editor
▪ Operation or its child in Operations editor
▪ Data or its child in Data editor
▪ Service in Service editor
▪ Type or its child in Type editor.
For multiple selection, you should select those
▪ available for single selection
▪ at the same level of the same parent.
Use Ctrl-click to select dispersed elements; Use Shift-click to select all the elements from the top to the bottom.
2 To move elements to a new destination section, use the Cut option or press Ctrl+x. To place element in an additional destination section without retyping it, use the Copy option or press Ctrl+c.
You could also use drag & drop to move element.
3 Then select the destination section which is able to store the same type as the copied.
4 Use the Paste option or press Ctrl+v. Paste option will be enabled when there is something available and the destination section is valid.