Extending : Common Condition Extension
Common Condition Extension
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides Common Condition support for both Server Side and Client Side. For the conditions used at Client Side, UDTT uses JavaScript files to contain it. By default, UDTT generates the JS file without version but UDTT provides an infrastructure to support a mechanism for version control of the Client Common Condition (JavaScript files).
Version Control Manager
Version manager extension point
Interface ‘IVersionManager’
Now let’s see the capability this mechanism.
Default behavior
After extension
File Name
Condition.js (no version)
AnyName_version.js, say projectName_con_timeStamp.js
Its definition project, include pure java project
Any project you want, say the Global Static Web Project
The specific behavior for Common Condition version control should be implemented at project level by Infrastructure developers.
This guide would show you how to do these extensions for both tooling side and runtime side:
Specific implementation of version control manager
Specific implementation of runtime to load the conditions correctly
Infrastructure to support version control.
Sample implementation of version control.
Extension key points in samples.