Formatters are what the toolkit uses to exchange data between toolkit entities such as operations, contexts, and services. Each formatter converts a specific data item into a string representation of the data item and parses a string into a specific data item. In this way, the toolkit uses formatters to build messages to do things such as sending a transaction to the host, writing a journal record, and printing a form. Formatters enable applications to interact with many various entities without requiring changes to the application.
The class is responsible for initializing all formatter configurations. The class is packaged in bttcore.jar.
<field id="extFile" value="format.xml" description="The recommended location is under same folder of btt.xml"/>
The extended file contains the formatter definitions for the application. By default, the extended file is in the same folder with btt.xml.
<kColl id="classTable">
The classTable contains a collection of definitions for the keywords of formatter and their implemented class. Those definitions can be added and removed from the collection. Only those definitions in the classTable collection can be used to define its formatter in extended file.
The following configuration items are formatters and decorators provided by the toolkit: