class JedisConfigHelper
package com.unicomsi.udtt.rcache.redis
public class JedisConfigHelper
Jedis configurations initializer.
The Jedis configuration is in the following section in btt.xml.
<kColl id="RemoteCacheService">
<kColl id="parameters">
<kColl id="JedisConfig">
<field id="host" value="" />
It supports these parameters of Jedis:
▪ host (default is localhost), the host name or IP of the Redis server
▪ port (default is 6379), the port used by Redis server
▪ database (default is 0), Select the Redis logical database
▪ password, the password for the Redis server
▪ clientName, the name of the current connection
▪ connectionTimeout (default is 2000), timeout for the connection (more at JDK:socket.connection())
▪ soTimeout (default is 2000), timeout for read (more at JDK:socket.setSoTimeout())
See also: