Creating applications : Creating applications : Designing applications
Designing applications
Before you create an application to perform certain business transaction, you need to design the transaction flow and the UI layout of the application.
To design the transaction flow and UI layout of an application
1 Design the transaction flow by breaking down the flow into components, such as states, operations, message pages, and transition events between the states.
You need to design the transaction flow according to your business scenario and requirement. The flow contains the following elements.
One initial state
One or more final states
Any number of other states, including Page state, Operation state, SubFlow state, and Condition state
Transitions between the states
2 Define the data that is used in the flow.
You need to determine the definition of the data that passes the value between the states. You also need to consider the definition of the context, which is an object that defines and encapsulates data for a functional or business organization entity.
3 Design the UI layout and how the data is bound to the UI elements.
You need to decide what widgets to use, which data to bind to the widget, and the UI layout of the application. In UDTT, you can bind the widget to a data object by specifying the data ID in the dataName property of the widget.
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Creating applications