Creating applications : Creating applications : HTML HelloWorld sample : Deploying and running the HTML HelloWorld sample by using Apache Maven
Deploying and running the HTML HelloWorld sample by using Apache Maven
To deploy and run the HelloWorld sample by using Apache Maven, complete the following steps:
1 Set up the Apache Maven environment, see Set up environment.
2 From the root directory of the sample application, run the following command to generate a build in the folder ‘target’:
mvn clean package
3 Deploy the .war file to an Apache Tomcat or IBM WebSphere server, or deploy and run the sample by running the following command:
mvn tomcat7:run
The sample application is deployed.
You can access the sample application UI at the following URL:
The default port is 8888, and the default context root is HtmlHelloWorldMaven, but you can change these in pom.xml.
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HTML HelloWorld sample