Creating applications : Creating applications : Rich Client HelloWorld sample : Overview of Rich Client HelloWorld sample : Client/Server operation process
Client/Server operation process
Basic operation process using the UDTT Rich Client Channel
The following procedure is the basic operation process using the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) Rich Client Channel:
1 An operation requester requests to execute a client operation. The requester can be a service, an operation step, another operation.
2 The toolkit initializes the client operation. The toolkit also initializes the operation's context and chains it to the operation context's parent in the context hierarchy.
3 The client operation performs its operation flow (operation steps). These steps may validate the input data, execute a local service, send a request to a remote server, or update the context with data to be handled by the operation requester. The client operation unformats the data resulting from executing the service and places the unformatted data in the operation context.
4 The client operation validates the data in the operation context to ensure that it has the data it needs. This validation is a cross-field validation.
5 The client operation requests to execute the server operation and then waits for the server operation to complete its flow. The client operation definition identifies the server operation.
6 The toolkit sends the request to the server.
7 The toolkit initializes the server operation and the server operation's context.
8 The toolkit chains the server operation's context to another context in the hierarchy. The client operation may identify the parent (using the serverOperationParentContext attribute), or the toolkit may use the default context for the client/server session as the parent.
9 The client operation transfers the data in the client context hierarchy to the server context hierarchy using the csRequestFormat.
10 The server operation performs its operation flow.
11 The toolkit formats the result of executing the server operation flow using the csRequestFormat.
12 The server operation transfers the data in the operation context hierarchy to the client context hierarchy using the csRequestFormat. If an error occurs while the server is sending the reply message to the client, the toolkit throws a DSEReplyErrorException that contains a CSS09 error code and also fires a CSReplyErrorEvent. The server operation (provided it is a listener of this event) can perform some sort of action such as resend the reply message or log the event.
13 The client operation extracts the server operation's response data from the context. The client operation can then use this data in other tasks such as displaying the server operation's response in an operation view.
When a requester on the client machine launches an operation, the operation is expected to perform all necessary tasks before returning to the originating requestor. The operation will usually use the data located in its own context hierarchy to perform the required tasks. One common task to be done at the beginning of the execution is to cross-validate a business process to ensure that the set of data provided to the operation is accepted by any constraining business rules. Once the operation has been performed, which may entail a traversal of all architectural tiers, the resulting data is available in the context so the client operation can perform additional tasks, such as displaying the reply in the operation view. All the tasks to be done on the server must be performed by a remote ServerOperation, the server-side counterpart to a ClientOperation. Therefore, the ClientOperation must know which ServerOperation must be launched on the server when it sends a request with the Rich Client Channel.
Another crucial set of data for the ClientOperation is the collection of data elements, which must be transferred from the context hierarchy on a client workstation to the context hierarchy on the server. This data collection is specified through a format (csRequestFormat) in the XML formats file. When the ServerOperation is instantiated on the server by the Rich Client Channel, the instance needs to know the context to which it will chain the created operation context. This context name (serverOperationParentContext) is part of the client operation definition. A default behavior is implemented by the system, so that in case this parameter is not set in the ClientOperation, the ServerOperation is chained to the current context, a default context that is available for each client/server session.
Once the Rich Client Channel has chained the ServerOperation to an existing context, the execute() method of the operation is invoked and the Rich Client Channel blocks and waits until the operation ends its whole flow. The Rich Client Channel then needs to determine the data elements in the operation context to return to the client. It therefore gets the format for the response data from the ServerOperation. This format (csReplyFormat) must be known by the ServerOperation. Once the Rich Client Channel has obtained the data stream to be sent back to the client side, it asks the ServerOperation to perform whatever housekeeping processes it may need. In this process, the ServerOperation is responsible for unchaining its operation context from the context hierarchy and destroying itself, or keeping the operation context for possible reuse in subsequent processes.
In summary, the following parameters must be known by the business operation in its client and server components:
validation class to perform the cross-validation process for the business operation
context on the client side
server operation name
server operation parent context name
client/server request format
validation class to perform the cross-validation process for the business operation
context on the server side
client/server reply format
The operation accesses the C/S service through its context, and then a code line such as the following sample sends the request to the server and waits 10 seconds for the response.
((CSClientService) getService("CSClient")).sendAndWait(this,10000);
Some exceptions (for instance, when the timeout expires) must be handled, but the direct call to perform an action on the server is easy.
Stages of the operation flow and the use of the data formats
The following procedure describes the stages of the operation flow and the use of the data formats:
1 The client operation invokes the remote server operation using CSClient, and sends the required operation data to the server.
Client operations use a CSClient instance on the client side to invoke a remote operation, and to indicate the csRequest format to be used. CSClient is responsible for formatting the data contained in the operationContext (formattedData) and sending it to the server side.
2 On the server, CSServer instantiates and runs the operation.
CSServer on the server side is responsible for receiving the data that is sent from the client. CSServer performs the following tasks.
Instantiate the operation indicated by the serverOperationName received from the client. This process instantiates all objects defined in the operation hierarchy.
Check for an operation parent context, and assigns a parent context if one does not exist. If the context of the server operation has no parent after instantiation, the operation has not defined a parent context. The following sequence of steps is followed as far as required to assign the parent context:
Check the parentContext sent from the client. If it has a value different from null, CSServer instantiates the server operation and chains it to the parentContext.
If the parentContext from the client was found to be null, check for a valid application ID. If a valid application ID exists, CSServer instantiates the server operation, maps the application ID to the operation, and chains it to the operation context that corresponds to the application ID.
If a valid application ID does not exist, CSServer instantiates the server operation and chains it to the operation context that corresponds to the session ID.
Instantiates the specified csRequestFormat and uses it to unformat the formattedData sent from the client.
Runs the server operation, passing the sessionId as information.
Creates a unique ID for support of application sessions.
3 CSServer sends the resulting operation data to CSClient on the client side. When the server operation is finished, CSServer performs the following steps:
Formats the updated operation context by using csReplyFormat to produce the formattedResultData.
Prepares the data to be sent to the client.
4 CSClient receives the operation data on the client side and updates the client operation. On the client side, the data is received and CSClient performs the following steps:
Instantiates the specified csReplyFormat.
Unformats the formattedResultData to update the context of the client operation.
Updates the client operation with the applicationId.
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Overview of Rich Client HelloWorld sample