Creating applications : Creating applications : Rich Client HelloWorld sample : Deploying and running the Rich Client HelloWorld sample
Deploying and running the Rich Client HelloWorld sample
You can deploy and run the Rich Client HelloWorld sample on any servers that are supported by UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™). The instructions in this topic describes how to deploy and run the sample on WebSphere Application Server.
To deploy and run the Rich Client HelloWorld sample
1 Start the WebSphere Application Server.
2 Start the WebSphere Administrator's Console. For more information, see “Starting and logging off the administrative console”:
3 In the console, install the server side project of the Rich Client HelloWorld sample. For more information, see “Installation enterprise application files with the console”:
4 If you need to deploy the server side project that is packaged in the RichClientHelloWorldEAR file to another server machine, change the server IP address and the port number in the following connection files in the client side project:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <btt.xml path="http://server_IP_address:port_number/RichClientHelloWorldRCS/btt/client/btt.xml"/>
// Initiate the UDTT run time environment
5 Turn on the compatibility mode in project preference:
Click Window > Preferences.
Expand Transaction Editor under UDTT, and then click Compatibility Mode.
Select Compatibility Mode.
6 Right-click the RichClientHelloWorld project, and then click Run As.
7 Click Eclipse Application.
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Rich Client HelloWorld sample