Creating applications : Creating applications : Multichannel application sample : Deploying and running the Multichannel application sample by using Apache Maven : Deploying and running the Multichannel application sample
Deploying and running the Multichannel application sample
Complete the following steps to deploy and run the Multichannel application sample on either IBM WebSphere Application Server, or Apache Tomcat.
Note If you use IBM WebSphere Application Server, you deploy the SampleWEBEAR file directly to the server. If you use Apache Tomcat, you deploy the three WAR files.
1 Import the Multi-Channel-Application-Sample Apache Maven project into Eclipse or RAD.
2 For each Java project, configure the following settings:
Java Build Path
Java Compiler
Project Facets
and then build the project.
3 Create and configure a database connection, see Creating and configuring a database connection.
4 If you are using an Apache Tomcat server:
a In the whole workspace, replace port 9080 (default WebSphere Application Server port), with port 8080 (your Apache Tomcat server port).
b Either copy GlobalStaticWEB-n.n.n.war, SampleCommonWeb-n.n.n.war and SamplePortalWeb-n.n.n.war into the webapps folder under the Apache Tomcat installation path, or deploy the three web projects in the UDTT IDE.
c Start the Apache Tomcat server and access the following URL from your browser:
5 If you are using WebSphere Application Server:
a Install the SampleWEBEAR file on the server by using the console (http://localhost:9061/ibm/console/
b Start the WebSphere Application server and access the following URL from your browser:
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Deploying and running the Multichannel application sample by using Apache Maven