Development tools : Application wizard
Application wizard
The UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) Application wizard provides a quick way to create a UDTT project skeleton. The skeleton includes some necessary elements when you create a UDTT Application, such as jar, configuration files, JavaScript, servlet and the related UDTT Enterprise Application Project. The Application wizard also provides the UDTT HelloWorld Sample Wizard to create sample project which can help you understand the UDTT architecture.
Creating an HTML Channel Application Project
For more information, see Creating an HTML Channel Application Project.
Creating an XUI project
XUI is a Rich Internet Application (RIA) framework for building applications in Java and XML. XUI supports only Dojo widget sets.
For more information, see Creating an XUI project.
Creating an HTML HelloWorld Sample Project
For more information, see Creating an HTML HelloWorld Sample Project.
Creating new XUI projects from Maven
For more information, see Creating XUI projects by using Apache Maven.
Creating gradle XUI/HTML projects by using UDTT IDE