Development tools : UDTT Perspective : Components : UDTT Project Explorer : Project folder
Project folder
If you right-click on a specific project folder label, there are two possible UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) specific actions: New and Build UDTT Project.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
You can create a flow, an operation or a view.
The same occurs if having a specific UDTT Project folder selected, you go to the Menu Bar and select the File > New option or you drop-down the list of options in the This graphic is described in the surrounding text. icon in the Tool Bar.
Operation launches the Transaction editor in the Operation page (Operation editor).
Flow launches the Transaction editor in the Flow page (Flow editor).
View launches the XUI editor.
The new UDTT element is created in the folder inside the project that corresponds to its type: Flows, Operation or Views folder.
Build UDTT Project
Generates all project components and UDTT artifacts that are needed to deploy the application. Normally, these items are automatically generated as part of the different elements creation and editing processes when this is done using the development tools. But under certain circumstances you may need to run the Build UDTT Project action:
If you are copying some model files directly into the development environment or downloading any definition from a code repository, you might need to run the Build UDTT Project action to ensure that all require artifacts are created before the application deployment.
When deleting, moving or renaming a UDTT element, not all required changes are automatically applied to other UDTT elements in your project or workspace. In order to detect possible inconsistencies, you have to run the Build UDTT Project action and correct the errors found.
After the Build UDTT Project execution, a report with a list of warning and errors found in the generated artifacts is prompted to the developer, so you can proceed to correct them using the tooling editors.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
You can also go to the Problems tab to check for any other possible generation error.
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UDTT Project Explorer