Development tools : UDTT Perspective : Components : UDTT Project Explorer : Definitions folder
Definitions folder
Before starting the development of the application transactions, there is an environment configuration task that should be run by the technical developers. This task includes the configuration of the different core components (global settings) and the definition of the basic components that will be shared during the transaction development process (context structure, context common data, new data types, reusable operations and formatters, common services, and so on). All this information is stored in the btt.xml file that is the configuration file for all the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) components within a specific UDTT Project, but this file can only be accessed and edited by the technical developers using the Deployment Descriptor Editor, a graphical editor to enable you to build the btt.xml file rapidly. For a functional developer, all these common and reusable components defined in the UDTT xml definition files are available in the Definitions folder of each UDTT Project in the UDTT Project Explorer. From there you have access to the defined common contexts, formats, operations, services and types, as well as to the data dictionary, a list of names of the data elements being used by the predefined set of common UDTT components. This list of components can then be complemented with any other UDTT component that you may need for your transactions development and are added to the Definitions folder at project level. A functional developer is normally expected to add only new data and formatters to these common definitions.
To open the transaction editor
Right-click a child folder of the Definitions folder, and then click Open.
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UDTT Project Explorer