Development tools : UDTT Search : Searching for properties
Searching for properties
To search a property name / property value pair, it is necessary to perform the following steps:
1 Specify the UDTT property name and property value.
Type your values in Property Name and Property Value entry fields. Both fields are mandatory.
Property Name: The Property Name entry field is the property identifier that you want to search.
Property Value: The Property Value entry field contains the value of the property to search for.
Use * to indicate any set of characters and ? to indicate any character.
As explained later, it is also necessary to select the artifact types that must be taken into account when searching.
Notice that for different artifact types, available Property Name for searching is different:
In case of Data Elements, Contexts, Types, Formats, Operations, Services and Flows, the Property Name can be:
Any properties defined in the “Detailed Information” section except “Comments” Property.
“Direction” Property only have 4 values:
“input” (only input)
“output” (only output)
“both” (input and output)
“none” (no input and no output)
It follows a property search example of “Data Elements”:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In case of Views, the Property Name can be only “Context” and “CSS”.
If it is “CSS”, the value must be a file name, so all the views that contain this file name in their css files will match the search. It follows an example of Views properties search:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In case of Widgets, the Property Name can be all the property names shown in the “Properties” view. It also applies for extended widgets and extended properties at project level. It follows an example of Widgets properties search:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In case of Conditions, the Property Name can be “Id”, “Description” and “Deprecated”.
If it is “Deprecated” property, possible values are Y or N. It follows an example of Condition properties search:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Select “Case sensitive” and “Exact match” options if necessary.
Check “Case sensitive” check box in case you want the search to take into account upper and lower case in property name and property value.
Check “Exact match” if you want to search for a property name and a property value that are exactly as specified.
3 Select the UDTT artifact type to search for. Select one or more UDTT artifact types in the “Search For” section. They are the artifact types that will be taken into account when searching all the occurrences where the property name belonging to these kinds of artifacts is defined and it has value equals to the value specified by the user.
4 Select the Search Scope.
The Search scope functionality is the same as in Eclipse/RAD search.
Workspace: Searches in the whole workspace.
Selected resources: Searches in the resources selected previously in UDTT Project Explorer. So, notice that first it is necessary to choose all the resources where you want to do the search and then open the UDTT Search view.
Enclosing projects: If you select some files in the UDTT Project Explorer and then you check “Enclosing projects” in UDTT Search view, the search result will search in all projects that contain the selected files.
Working sets: Searches in specific working sets selected by using the “Choose” button.
5 Click Search.
The Search view displays the results. Double-click a matched result to see the corresponding file.
This is an example of properties search of “description” property with any value in Data Elements and Conditions artifacts:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Search results view:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
When double clicking on the match, the corresponding file opens, and the artifact is highlighted:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
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UDTT Search