Development tools : Global Configuration : Configuring Global NLS Settings
Configuring Global NLS Settings
In Global NLS Settings, you can decide whether to use only NLS and whether to enable NLS editing.
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) supports NLS in many places, such as widget properties, ECA rules, and mappings expressions. By default:
Force NLS Only is not selected and both NLS and manual input are allowed. You can either type the text, or click Browse to use NLS elements.
Enable NLS Editing is selected and you can add new NLS elements, and delete or edit current NLS elements.
To change the options:
1 Go to Windows > Preferences > UDTT.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Select or deselect Force NLS Only.
Selected: You can not enter any text manually in XUI editor. The tooling constant of type String will continue to be available in all editors (including ECA). Warnings are created for all the text values that are not NLS (even if they were input when "Force NLS Only" was deselected).
Not selected: You can not enter any text manually in the XUI editor.
3 Select or deselect Enable NLS Editing.
Selected: The Add, Remove and Edit buttons of the NLS Editor are enabled.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Not selected: The Add, Remove and Edit buttons of the NLS Editor are disabled. All NLS files are read-only and the editor is used only to select NLS elements.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
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Global Configuration