Development tools : Global Configuration : Configuring the selection mode for SelectList
Configuring the selection mode for SelectList
You can configure the global configuration file to decide how to open the drop-down list of the SelectList widget.
By default, only clicking the button on the right side of SelectList opens its drop-down list. For better usability, you can configure the selection mode for SelectList to decide whether to open the drop-down list by clicking the button beside the widget or clicking any part of the widget. You can define the BTT.conf["btt.dijit.Select.clickModeForDropDown"] parameter with one of the following values to control the selection modes of all the SelectList widgets in the project.
When the value of the typeAhead property is 'true', the drop-down list opens when you click the button on the right side of the widget.
When the value of the typeAhead property is 'false', the drop-down list opens when you click any part of the widget.
The drop-down list opens when you click any part of the widget no matter what the value of the typeAhead property is.
Note When the typeAhead property is set to 'true' and the SelectList is editable, clicking its textbox part enables the editing mode instead of opening the drop-drown list.
1 Open the template.ftl or template_debug.ftl file in the WebContent\templates\ directory.
opentemplate_debug.ftl or template.ftl file in the WebContent\templates\directory
2 Set the value of the BTT.conf["btt.dijit.Select.clickModeForDropDown"] parameter for one of the following options according to your requirements:
To open the drop-down list by clicking the button on the right side of the widget, set the parameter like this:
BTT.conf["btt.dijit.Select.clickModeForDropDown"] = "OnlyOnButton";
You also need to set the typeAhead property to true.
To open the drop-down list by clicking any part of the widget, set the parameter like this:
BTT.conf["btt.dijit.Select.clickModeForDropDown"] = "OnWholeWidget";
3 Save the file.
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Global Configuration