Development tools : Massive build UDTT project : Programmatic build for UDTT projects : AntBuildSample and AntBuildTask plugins
AntBuildSample and AntBuildTask plugins
BTTSample includes two plugins called AntBuildSample and AntBuildTask.
AntBuildTask contains an Ant Task known as BTTBuildTask. This class is an Ant Task subclass and it has the behavior to build a UDTT project or a set of UDTT files. It is an example that can be used as a reference and it may be modified or extended in a customer project as necessary.
AntBuildSample plugin is separate plugin that contains a set of sample Ant build xml files. It also has a /taskjars folder with BTTBuildTask.jar (it contains the task code) and it extends org.eclipse.ant.core.extraClasspath Entries extension point in order to point to this jar file. Following Eclipse recommendations, the task must be encapsulated in separate jar file that should be created outside Eclipse. This is how the BTTBuildTask.jar file provided in UDTT Sample was created:
jar cvf BTTBuildTask.jar antbuildtask/AntBuildConstants.class antbuildtask/Messages.class antbuildtask/BuildInfoTask.class antbuildtask/Utils.class
AntBuildSample plugin is included in the UDTT installation files and it is necessary to perform a programmatic build (refer to Section “4. Execution Environment”). On the other hand, AntBuildTask plugin is not included in the UDTT installation files, so the purpose of this plugin is to contain the BTTBuildTask source code. Install it in your development environment if you are interested in the code.
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Programmatic build for UDTT projects