Development tools : Massive build UDTT project : Programmatic build for UDTT projects : BTTBuildTask class
BTTBuildTask class
BTTBuildTask class provides the behavior to build a UDTT project or a set of UDTT files.
In case of a project build, it retrieves the project generator corresponding to the channel and it invokes the API method generateProject(…) to perform the generation. Then, it retrieves the results (GenerationResults[] object) and it creates a summary report. Notice that this report includes all the information that appears when building a project from the Build UDTT Project menu option.
In case of a fileset build, BTTBuildTask creates a files list structure (not duplicates elements allowed) containing all the files to be built. Then, it goes through this structure in order to get the corresponding generator and to invoke the generateFile(…) API method. The result (GenerationResults object) is retrieved and it is included in the summary report.
Invoking BTTBuildTask to build a project
Invoking BTTBuildTask to build a set of UDTT files
Providing build result info to other tasks
Execution Environment
Modifying BTTBuildTask class behavior
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Programmatic build for UDTT projects