Development tools : Multi-project development : Managing different components and resources : Adding self-defined operations and flows : Adding a self-defined remote operation to a flow using the Flow editor
Adding a self-defined remote operation to a flow using the Flow editor
In a multi-project environment, when you want to assign an operation to an operation state during a flow design, flow editor provides convenient utilities.
1 Turn to the Properties tab of the flow that you need to add remote operation and click the Browse button of Operation.
Then the operation selection dialog shows not only the local operations but also the global and common operation defined as accessible from your environment:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Select an operation that belongs to a common project that has been configured as part of the multi-project environment. Its name is prefixed with the name of the common java project that actually contains the self-defined operation. This is to indicate that this operation is a common shared operation defined in another project.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
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Adding self-defined operations and flows