Development tools : Multi-project development : Managing different components and resources : Adding resources from a Global Web Project : Referring to an NLS properties file when editing a view
Referring to an NLS properties file when editing a view
When adding a widget containing a text (for instance, Label widget) to a view, the tooling allows to select the properties file that is going to contain the associated text, as part of the NLS enablement.
When you add new NLS item, it will be added either to the local project or to the global project, depending on the properties file you have selected. If you are modifying the NLS files in a global project, you need to build the global web project before the application deployment to generate the NLS related runtime artifacts. To build the project, right‑click it, and then click Build UDTT Project.
1 Go to the Properties tab of the Widget.
2 Click on the Browse button of text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The NLS selection dialog box opens. It lists the available properties files. In a multi-project support environment, those defined in global web projects are also shown. The NLS search capabilities are also enabled in a multi-project environment.
3 Make sure no file is selected, and input a specific value on the filter box. All occurrences of this value in all properties files in the workspace are displayed, as shown in the image below:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
For more information about NLS usage, see NLS support.
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Adding resources from a Global Web Project