Development tools : Multi-project development : Reference : Types of projects in a multi-project environment
Types of projects in a multi-project environment
Global Web project for Multi-project resources
This type of project contains web resources which are shared hierarchically with other global, common and local projects. In Global Web projects, there are the following web resources types:
Static Lists (for combos and select lists)
Global Java project
This type of project contains components which are shared hierarchically with other global, common and local projects. In Global Java projects, there are the following web resources types:
UDTT Global Definitions XML files (btt.xml, common data, common types, common contexts, common services, common operations and common formatters)
Java classes of user extension global definitions, for example, converters or validators of types.
Common Java project for operations
This type of project contains self-defined operations either generated by the operation from a web service generation wizard or created using the Transaction editor. These operations can be reused by other common and local projects.
Common Web project for flows
This type of project contains self-defined sub-flows which are shared by local projects.
Local project
This type of project is a UDTT application web project that does not share any component with other projects. A local project has business specific logic implemented by page flows and operations that cannot be shared; however it can use shared components from global and common projects in a multi-project environment. Then, typically, a local project contains what can contain a traditional standalone UDTT project in addition to the references to multi-project definitions (externally defined components).
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