Development tools : Transaction editor : Defining data in transaction editor
Defining data in transaction editor
Data for a transaction file (UDTT Flow or UDTT Operation) is defined in the Transaction editor. Different types of data can be defined for a transaction file, including record, list, bColl, field, and typed data. For more information about data, see Data elements.
To define data for a transaction file
1 In the Transaction editor, click the Data tab.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Right-click the Data panel, and then click New Child > record.
Every data file must have a record as the root data. Other data elements can be added under the record as child data elements.
3 Right-click the record in the Data panel, and then click New Child. According to different parent data element, all possible child data types are prompted.
4 Define the property values in the Detailed Information panel.
Note The param property value is set as a New Child of a selected data element and the list of possible parameters for the selected data element are shown in the Detailed Information panel.
For more information about data properties, see Data element external definitions. In addition to each data element specific properties, all UDTT data elements have the following common properties.
It can be specified by selecting Input or Output or both options.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In collections, hierarchy tree is respected. When changing the value of a flag, this value will be propagated to all inner elements. So, if some parent data has a value unchecked, all inner elements will have this option disabled. On the other hand, if the flag value is checked, all inner elements will have it enabled and checked, although the user can check/un-check it. In simple referred data, the refData element has the same direction value as the referred data by default, although the user can change it.
The Direction configuration controls the data visibility in the following ways when you create data mapping relationships between flows, operations, and contexts:
In the main flow, all the context data is visible, regardless of the data direction value.
In the external flow that is mapped from the main flow, only the data with the Input direction is visible. The Input direction is specified by selecting both Input and Output, or selecting only Input.
In the external flow that is mapped to the main flow, only the data with the Output direction is visible. The Output direction is specified by selecting both Input and Output, or selecting only Output.
Undefined (Value)
The undefined property indicates whether the datum has defined value. When it's checked, it is fine to leave Value property blanket. Otherwise, there would be errors.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
User Interface Element
The user interface element specifies the UI widgets for data. You can select the widget and set the properties for the widget as editing properties of XUI elements.
Data elements are associated to specific UI widgets by default. For example, a field data element is associated to a Text widget by default, and an iColl data element is associated to a Table widget by default.
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Transaction editor