Development tools : Transaction editor : Defining context in transaction editor
Defining context in transaction editor
A context defines and encapsulates data that belongs to a functional or business organization entity.
The Context is used as a place to store data, where data elements values can be stored. Users can refer to different sets of stored data with a context, thus creating a relationship or a link different sets of data. These data sets may need to referenced in multiple places, for example in situations where you have multiple operations that require the same data set. They can be referenced instead of recreating these data set for each entity that needs this data. In most case the context is bound to a transaction, therefore the user does not need to change the context for the transaction, in this situation only the data needs to be changed.
For more information on contexts, see Contexts.
1 Open the transaction file in which you want to define a context.
The transaction file is displayed in the Transaction editor.
2 In the Context tab of Transaction editor, right-click the blank area in Context panel, and then select New Child > context.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 In the Id field, enter an identifier for the context.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 Add a refKColl or a refType to the context as a child element.
Note Every context must contain either a refKColl or a refType as a child element.
Right-click the context that you are defining, and then click New Child > refKColl or New Child > refType depending on the child element that you want to add to the context.
In the Detailed Information panel of the child element of the context, click the Browse icon This graphic is described in the surrounding text. to select a Keyed Collection or a Type for the child element.
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Transaction editor