Development tools : Transaction editor : Defining formatters in transaction editor : Adding customized mapping engine : Adding engine information
Adding engine information
You must add the mapping engine information in the project btt.xml file.
1 Open the btt.xml file, and locate <kColl id=”mappingEngines”> under <kColl id=”settings” >.
2 Under <kColl id=”settings” >, add the mapping engine information according to the following example.
<kColl id="MVELEngine">
<field id="mode" value="Normal" />
<field id="class"
value="" />
<field id="bufferLimit" value="1024000" />
You can add multiple engines.
The following parameters can be configured:
<kColl id="">
The ID of the engine. The ID of an engine must be unique. The toolkit uses the engine with the default ID value as the default engine to process all mappings with expressions. If such engine does not present, the toolkit uses the internal default engine, which is Java script engine in Batch mode, to process mappings.
The execution mode of the mapping. This parameter is required. Possible values are:
Normal means the same behavior in UNICOM® Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit version and earlier.
Batch means the mapping engine is a Java script mapping engine.
Direct means the mapping engine is a direct mapping engine.
The implementation class of the Java script mapping engine. This parameter is required.
The maximum length of the Java Script. If the script exceeds this length, the Java script is divided and executed separately. The parameter is for Batch mode only.
Note The performance of mapping is affected by the available memory of the server. The increase in context size and number of concurrent requests leads to the increase in memory requirement for Mapping Engine. Insufficient memory might cause low performance of the mapping engine, or even Out Of Memory errors. In this situation, you can reduce the size of bufferLimit to limit the memory usage of mapping engine, thus reducing the effect of available memory on the mapping engine performance. Reducing the size of bufferLimit, however, impacts the mapping engine performance as well. You must find the best bufferLimit size based on the average available memory, average concurrent requests, and average context size to achieve balance.
The lab test results suggest that in the environment with 1 GB average available memory and the context size smaller than 200 MB the suitable bufferLimit size is 1024000.
If you need the behavior for processing expression mappings used in UNICOM® Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit version and earlier, add the following information.
<kColl id="default">
<field id="mode" value="Normal" />
<field id="class" value="" />
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Adding customized mapping engine