Development tools : Transaction editor : Defining Common in Condition Dictionary
Defining Common in Condition Dictionary
Condition Dictionary is used to centrally manage conditions that are frequently used among many flows, mapping flows, action groups, conditional mapping or ECA rules. In the Condition Dictionary, users can define common conditions once and then reference them when needed in different places. The Condition editor provides the access to define Common conditions.
1 Double-click the Condition Dictionary in UDTT Project Explorer to launch the Condition editor.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Note If the Condition Dictionary is not listed under the Definitions folder, open Project > Properties > UDTT > Project Preference and check Show Common Condition.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
2 Right-click on any blank space in the editing area and create a Common condition.
Fill in the Condition description
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
1 Enter an id and a description for the condition.
id should be unique. Do not use duplicated names.
description is used as tooltip for the condition.
2 Select the target environment, client or server side. This option will define which environment the Condition will be used.
Client indicates the condition will be used in ECA rules.
Server indicates the condition will be used in Condition states or conditional mappings.
3 Add the variables which would be used to assign different values when reusing the Condition. Click the "add" button on the right side and set the ID and type. You could also use the "minus" button to remove the variable you don't need.
4 Optional: Add comments.
Define the Condition expression
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
1 Select Condition type and define the entire Condition expression according to the selected type.
There are three Condition types, Expression, Global function, and Common.
Note The list of possible Global functions and Common s would be restricted to the target environment, such as the server-side, client-side or both.
Expression: logical or relational operation defined by users.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
1 Select one of the operators to define Expression type.
2 Define left and right input elements according to Expression type. Click the 'browse' button on the right. In the pop-up Expression editor, select one of the supported elements and assign the value.
Global function: common data manipulation, such as compare and concatenate provided by UDTT.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
1 Expand the functions tree to select the Global function. You could use the search bar to find the Global function you want and use Description label to know better about the function. See Global functions for detailed information about the function.
2 Define each parameter. Click the 'browse' button on the right. In the pop-up Expression editor, select one of the supported elements and assign the value.
Common: common condition which has been defined by users in Condition Dictionary.Steps:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
1 Select the Common from the List panel.
2 Define each parameter. Click the 'browse' button on the right. In the pop-up Expression editor, select one of the supported elements and assign the value.
3 Click 'Apply value' button to save the defined condition.
4 Save the dictionary.
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Transaction editor