Development tools : Transaction editor : Prompting a Condition into Common Condition
Prompting a Condition into Common Condition
Any Condition can be set as a Common Condition during its defining or editing process. In this way, users could reuse the Conditions that have not been included in the Condition Dictionary. Situations when this might be used include:
Defining Condition for Condition state in a flow or mapping flow
Defining Conditional mapping by data mapping
Defining Conditions for an ECA rule
1 Launch the prompting wizard. The following steps take Defining Conditional mapping by data mapping as an example.
2 In the Condition defining panel of Mapping editor, click 'Prompt' button to launch the wizard.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 Enter the Condition description and set the appropriate Target Environment.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In the second step of the wizard, redefine the Condition expression and make it more flexible for other usage by variables.
4 Add the variables which will be used to assign different values when the Condition is reused. Click the ‘plus’ button on the right side and set the ID and type. You could also use the ‘minus’ button to remove any variables that you don't need.
5 Bind the variable to the Condition expression and make sure the variable has the right type.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
6 Click Finish.
This Common Condition is successfully saved in Condition Dictionary and users could reuse it in other places.
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