Development tools : Transaction editor : Expression editor : Supported elements for different expressions
Supported elements for different expressions
Common elements
By default, Expression editor supports the four common elements:
UDTT internal types:
Default types: String, Number, and Boolean.
Customized types: New data types added at project-level. Users need to customize the new type and then make it available in the Expression editor. For the extension of project-specific type, see Data type extension for Tooling.
NLS Key: National Language Support element. For more information, see NLS support.
Index: The index of an indexed collection.
Note Index is only used in Conditional mapping with wildcard.
arithmetic expression (+, -, *, \)
relational expression (==, !=, >, <, >=, <=)
logical operation (AND, OR, NOT).
Global Function
Global function includes multiple functions organized in different categories.
For detailed information of Global function, see Global functions.
For the customization of project-specific functions, see Creating and registering a global function.
Common Condition
Common Condition is that defined in Condition Dictionary or prompted into Common Condition during definition.
Subsidiary elements
In different expression editors, there are also some subsidiary elements:
Common expression editor
The parameter users have defined in the Condition description and is open for reset.
Flow Condition expression and Mapping expression editor
Flow Condition includes Conditions in Condition state and Conditional mapping. Conditional mapping expression editor and Mapping expression editor are embedded in the Mapping editor.
Context data from all the available contexts in the flow.
ECA Condition expression
Widget Function
The function of a widget with a Boolean return value.
Widget Property
The property of a widget with a Boolean or String return value.
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Expression editor