Development tools : Transaction editor : Voucher printing : Designing printing template : Designing printing template: printing on preprinted vouchers
Designing printing template: printing on preprinted vouchers
This task is based on a preprinted voucher. You should get a scanned image of that first.
1 In background image property of Panel, select the scanned image.
2 In real width and height properties, set the precise width and height number. The size must match the real preprinted voucher.
3 Add the Label widget as the filled-in texts.
Click Label on the Palette and then click the position where to put it on the background.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
In dataName, set the data to be displayed in the position. You can select from Context or type manually.
Set the location X and Y properties to make the Label positioned precisely.
If you doesn't want the Label value displayed in the editor, set hide property as false. It will display 'D' instead.
If you want to display multiple lines of texts, set wrap property as true and set maximumRows more than 1.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 You can also add Line widget into the voucher. See Designing printing template: printing on blanket papers.
5 Save the file.
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Designing printing template