Development tools : Transaction editor : Customizing label decorations
Customizing label decorations
You can customize the format that is used to display the labels of the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) components in the Outline view of the Transaction editor and the XUI editor. For example, you can change the label of a kColl from kColl [customer] to customer [kColl]. The format of the following component labels can be customized for the Outline view:
Non-typed data
Typed data
Referenced non-typed data
Referenced typed data
Type parameters
Labels of a kColl and an iColl in the Outline view of the Transaction editor
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
To customize the format of component labels
1 In Rational Application Developer, click Windows > Preferences.
The Preferences window is opened.
2 In the Preferences window, expand UDTT > Transaction Editor, and then click Label Decorations.
The Label Decorations page is displayed.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 In the Label Decorations page, edit the label format in the field that is associated to the component to which the label belongs.
If you are customizing the labels that are displayed in the Outline view for widgets, edit the format of the label in the Widget Category field.
If you are customizing the labels that are displayed in the Outline view for non-typed data such as field, list, record, bean, htmlIColl, edit the format of the label in the Non Typed Data Category field.
If you are customizing the labels of typed data, edit the format of the label in the Typed Data Category field.
If you are customizing the labels of referenced non-typed data, edit the format of label in the Referenced Non Typed Data Category field.
If you are customizing the labels of referenced typed data, edit the format of the label in the Referenced Typed Data Category field.
If you are customizing the labels that are displayed in the Outline view of parameters, edit the format of the label in the Type Parameter Category field.
4 Click Add Variables to add variables to the label.
5 Click Apply, and then click OK.
6 Restart the XUI editor or the Transaction editor to enable the changes that you have made to be displayed in the Outline views of the editors.
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Transaction editor