Extending : Channel policy management and extension : Channel level policy management : Defining the rule provider service : Java Code Rule Provider Service
Java Code Rule Provider Service
UDTT provides com.ibm.btt.channel.ruleprovider.java.JavaCodeRuleProviderService as the base class for technical developers to implement the rule provider service in Java Code. Technical developers must extend the JavaCodeRuleProviderService base class and override the checkRule method.
public Map<String, Object> checkRule(Map<String, Object> params)
The method is used for checking business policy rules and decides whether the request can be accepted.
Sample implementation of the JavaCodeRuleProviderService base class
The following example is a sample implementation of the JavaCodeRuleProviderService base class, in which any transfer amount that is more than 10000 will be rejected.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Furthermore, technical developers can implement their owner policy provider service such as supporting other third part rule engines. To implement policy provider service, technical developers need to extend the com.ibm.btt.base.Service abstract class and implement the com.ibm.btt.channel.ruleprovider.IBTTRuleProvider interface.
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Defining the rule provider service