Extending : Channel policy management and extension : Channel level policy management : Configuring policy for channels
Configuring policy for channels
After implementing the channel policy handler and defining the rule provider service, technical developers must configure the handler and service in the btt.xml file for specific channel.
A sample configuration for the HTML channel is provided here:
<kColl id="html">
<field id="encoding" value="UTF-8" />
<field id="cookies" value="true" />
<field id="runInSession" value="true" />
<field id="requestHandler" value="com.ibm.btt.cs.html.AjaxHtmlRequestHandler" />
<field id="presentationHandler" value="com.ibm.btt.cs.html.AjaxHtmlPresentationHandler" />
<field id="channelPolicyHandler" value="com.ibm.btt.sample.channelpolicy.UserSecurityChannelPolicyHandler" />
<field id="ruleService" value="UserSecurityProfileRuleService" />
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Channel level policy management