Extending : Channel policy management and extension : Operation level policy management : Configuring operation
Configuring operation
After extending the AbstractPolicyOperationStep class, a technical developer must configure the related operation that is required to use the opStep.
In the operation definition, a technical developer must configure an opStep. The implClass should be class extending from AbstractPolicyOperationStep. The refRuleService should be the rule provider service that is defined in the service.xml file. The service will be used by opStep as a rule provider service. An example of how to configure an operation to use opStep for operation level policy management is shown here:
<operation id="checkLimitOp" implClass="com.ibm.btt.sample.transfer.operation.CheckTransferLimitOperation">
<opStep id="initTransferOpStep" refRuleService="checkLimitRuleService" implClass="com.ibm.btt.sample.transfer.operation.CheckLimitOpStep" on0Do="return"/>
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Operation level policy management