Extending : Client State Extension : Launching UDTT flow by URL
Launching UDTT flow by URL
In BTT801 ajax channel, the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) flow cannot be started by URL directly for the JS client's navigation engine is not initialized. Users can redirect the URL to a temp JSP page that initializes the navigation engine and then launches the UDTT flow from the temp JSP. Here we provide the approach with user application code. This is the reference sample LaunchingBTTFlowByURL.zip.
1 Copy the display operation XML and class into project.
2 Copy the redirect.jsp template into the project.
3 Change the redirect.jsp part to make it consistent with the normal application JSP. Please pay attention on the CSS and javascript import part.
4 Change the URL like the following example:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Note Comparing with original URL, the dse_operationName value should be changed to DisplayPageOp and define a new parameter "opName" whose value is the name of flow you want to launch.
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Client State Extension