Extending : Client State Extension : Enabling tooltip for a customized Client State : Extending assistantProvider for Page state
Extending assistantProvider for Page state
This page will guide you how to extend assistantProvider for Page state. Download the sample from here:
1 Create class ExtendedPageStateAssistantProvider extended from DefaultStateAssistantProvider:
public class ExtendedPageStateAssistantProvider extends DefaultStateAssistantProvider {}
2 Extend method getTooltip(State state) to customize state tooltip content. The sample below shows how to display name, page, event with click action, and comment in tooltip.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 Extend method getDocument(State state) to customize state document content:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
4 UDTT also provides the capability to extend appearance style for tooltip and document.
UDTT provides class AssistantImpl for the Alpha developer to extend and override method createFigure() to customize font and appearance:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
UDTT also provides class WrappingAssistantImpl for Alpha developer to change tooltip/document style by wrapping the text:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
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Enabling tooltip for a customized Client State