Extending : Client State Extension : State Appearance customization : Customizing state appearance of UDTT state
Customizing state appearance of UDTT state
This chapter describes how to customize states provided by UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™), including how to define new customization options (size, icon, figure) and how to modify some existing options (small/large icons, background color and so on).
All UDTT states can be customized through a new extension point named: com.ibm.btt.dominate.palette_override.
This extension point has the following properties:
“name”: It must have the same value as it has in the UDTT definition (i.e. “ConditionState”, “PageState”). In case the value is different from a UDTT definition, this extension will be ignored.
“smallIcon”: This icon is the one shown in the flow palette when “Small Icons” options is active.
“largeIcon”: This icon is the one shown in the flow palette when “Large Icons” option is active. It is also the icon used in the state in the working area, in case any “workingAreaIcon” is defined.
“appearance”: It refers to a XML file that overrides all the appearance information defined in the UDTT config file. It has the same syntax:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
“workingAreaIcon”: This icon is the one used in the working area inside the state figures. In case it doesn’t exist, “largeIcon” is assumed by default.
“figure”: This attribute must contain the class that corresponds to the Figure class to be displayed when the state is dropped into the working are. If empty, the default UDTT figure is assumed.
Note Just the “name” property is mandatory. Other properties are optional. In case they are not filled, it is assumed the value defined in UDTT is taken.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
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State Appearance customization