Extending : Common Condition Extension : Sample implementation of version control : Importing the sample to your RAD or Eclipse
Importing the sample to your RAD or Eclipse
Tooling part
The sample plug-in is located in archive “alpha_ConJSVersion_tool.zip”. You can import it to RAD or Eclipse directly.
The sample plug-in is “alpha_ConJSVersion_WB2-002_0.1.0.jar”. You should copy this jar to the plug-in folder of your RAD or Eclipse to use it.
Runtime and Sample part
The sample project is located in archive “alpha_ConJSVersion_sample.zip”. You can import it to RAD or Eclipse directly.
This is a multi-project sample. It includes:
the global definition project
a pure java project
contains global condition
the local web project
contains local condition, imports global conditions
the global static web project
pure static web project
contains all the client condition JS files
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Sample implementation of version control