Extending : Multi-project support in Extension
Multi-project support in Extension
An organization might have multiple channel applications, such as teller banking, internet private banking, corporate banking and etc. These applications might need to share some common business logic or resources such as operations and flows, NLS files or image files. At development time, the applications are organized as multiple projects in RAD.
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) supports referring resources in a project from other projects. For example, developers can choose NLS definition from one project for a widget of another project. With the UDTT multi-project feature improves the maintainability of the application code, flexibility of project management and avoid the code redundancy.
Also it improves the runtime flexibility by hot deployment capability. For example, when business logic in shared sub-flow or the web resource like image, CSS have been changed, administrators only need to re-deploy the shared EAR, the base business-specific application EAR does not need to be restarted.
Type of multiple projects
Project prefix