Extending : Naming convention extension : Extension sample for the generated web service operation : Creating a new naming convention variable
Creating a new naming convention variable
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) extension developers also can extend their own naming convention variable “GBP_SEI”. Refer to the sample code BTTExtensionSample.zip.
1 Create a new variable generator class “com.ibm.btt.extension.naming. WsOperationGBP_SEIGenerator”, this class is extended from “AbstractVariableGenerator”. It will get the substring of UDTT default variable “SEI”. Developer need to override method “getValue(INamingContext context)”:
public String getValue(INamingContext context)
throws ExpectedInfoNotFoundException {
  if(context instanceof WsWizardNamingContext) {
    String SEI_string=Utils.getSimpleTypeName(((WsWizardNamingContext)context).getSEIName());
    int start=3;
    int end=10;
    if (SEI_string.length(){
  return SEI_string.substring(start, end);
  return null;
2 Create a new variable_generator “GBP_SEI” and set the generator as “com.ibm.btt.extension.naming.WsOperationGBP_SEIGenerator”.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
3 Add the naming variable in naming convention properties file ” namingextension.properties”:
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Extension sample for the generated web service operation