Extending : Perspective extension : Project Explorer View : Project Explorer Content Provider and Label Provider
Project Explorer Content Provider and Label Provider
As part of the navigator content property of the navigator content contribution, the reference to the classes that provide the viewer with its contents (contentProvider) and its labels (labelProvider) are referenced:
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Content provider and label provider are used in wizards that show project structure. They are located in com.ibm.btt.tools.transaction.perspective.wizards package:
FlowModelWizard (“New”->”Flow” option)
OperationModelWizard (“New”->”Operation” option)
NewXUIWizard2 (“New”->”View” option)
BasicNewFolderResourceWizard2 (“New”->”Folder” option)
MoveResourcesWizard2 (“Move…” option)
RenameResourceWizard2 (“Rename…” option)
CtxToUIWizard2 (“Generate View” option)
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Project Explorer View