Extending : IBM WebSphere Portal extension : Setup UDTT Application Server
Setup UDTT Application Server
1 Ensure that you are using UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit version 10.0 or UNICOM® Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit version 8.0.1 or later.
2 Configure the domain name of your local operating system.
Ensure the host name is correctly configured and registered; and can be reached by the IBM WebSphere Portal Server.
Consult your IT support or operation system vendor if you need guidance about how to configure the domain name for your operating system.
3 Deploy the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) application to WebSphere Server.
A UDTT application is a standard J2EE application. There are multiple ways to deploy a UDTT application onto WebSphere Server. Here we assume customers are deploying the UDTT application at development time using Rational Application Developer. Please refer following figure for detailed steps. (Here we assume WorkshopEAR is your UDTT Application):
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Please ensure the application could be reached by domain name format:
Such as http://ying.cn.ibm.com:9080/Workshop
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IBM WebSphere Portal extension