Extending : IBM WebSphere Portal extension : Setup the collaboration between IBM WebSphere Portal server and the UDTT application server
Setup the collaboration between IBM WebSphere Portal server and the UDTT application server
1 Access your IBM WebSphere Portal instance.
Log in to the IBM WebSphere Portal server.
2 Register the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) application server URL in your local IBM WebSphere Portal instance.
Select Administration > Portlet Management > Virtual Web Application Manager:
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Select New > Application category to create a new category. This category is a placeholder that you can use to hold multiple applications.
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Then select New > Application component, to create a new application under the previous category. Enter the following information on the Basic tab of your application components:
Select HTTP or HTTPS, and define the URI scheme.
Select the appropriate Host from the list of available Web servers. The host name should be the fully qualified host name of your backend server. Notes here: localhost or computer name are not accepted here.
Enter a display name for your application.
Enter a description for your application.
Select the appropriate category for your application.
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3 Propagate the necessary token.
Select the Authentication tab and define how users authenticate with the Web application, following three headers shall be correctly propagated:
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4 Configure Your Portal Page:
After creating the application, you must add a Web Dock portlet onto a page so that users can access the Web application:
Navigate to Administration > Manage Pages, and click Content Root.
Click New Page and create a page for your Web application.
After selecting or creating a page, click the Edit Page Properties icon and select Advanced options.
Click “I want to set parameters,” enter the following information, and then click Add:
New parameter:resourceaggregation.profile
New value:Enter the profile override for the page, for example profiles/profile_full.json
Click OK to save the new parameter.
Click OK to save the changes to the page properties.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
5 Configure the Web Dock portlet.
Select Administration > Manage Pages > Content Root > BTT, Click Edit Page Layout.
Switch to Edit Mode
Click Add portlets.
Search “web dock” > check “Web Dock Portlets” > Click “OK”.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.This graphic is described in the surrounding text.This graphic is described in the surrounding text.This graphic is described in the surrounding text.This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
6 Configure the UDTT application in front page.
We can find a “BTT” link exists in navigate bar, Click it, and switch into Edit Mode.
Click “Edit Shared Setting”, fill the form according to your environment. After saving it, switch into View Mode.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.This graphic is described in the surrounding text.This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
Result: Congratulations, now we can access the UDTT application from IBM WebSphere Portal.
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IBM WebSphere Portal extension