Extending : Processor editor extension
Processor editor extension
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) provides the Processor editor to enable developers to implement UDTT flows visually. The Processor editor is accessed in the Processor tab of the UDTT Transaction editor. Developers can create UDTT flows by dragging and dropping different states from the Palette view to the Processor editor and connecting different states of a flow with transitions.
A flow that is displayed in the Processor editor
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
The UDTT Processor editor supports the following two editing modes:
Compatibility mode
In the compatibility mode, developers can edit all the properties of a state or a transition in the Processor editor.
Default mode
In the default mode, the property view of a state is simplified. This enables a developer who does not have extensive knowledge of UDTT to create a flow in the Processor editor.
Technical developers can customize the default mode of the UDTT Processor editor according to their project requirements.
The UDTT Transaction editor stores the flow in a file with the .transaction extension, which contains a generic channel independent flow. To run this flow in a runtime environment, you must generate a UDTT.xml file of the transaction (right-click the transaction file in the Enterprise Explorer view, and then click Transaction Editor > Generate BTT Transaction XML). This is a channel dependent file that is generated according to the current active generator.
Each UDTT channel has its own generator, which is defined through the com.ibm.btt.tools.transaction.editor generator extension point. UDTT includes a generator corresponding to the HTML channel. If several generators are defined, developers can select the generator to activate (in IBM Rational Application Developer, click Window > Preferences > Transaction Editor > Generator).
A generator can have one or more mapping files. A mapping file contains tag mappings (for example, from PageState to htmlState), property mappings (for example, from page to typeIdInfo) and logic to be injected during the mapping. If a generator has more than one mapping files, each mapping file must define a different set of tags, otherwise there is no guarantee about which definition will be taken into account.
Extending the Processor editor
Extending runtime processor
Processor editor extension samples