Extending : Reference : Common State methods
Common State methods
In extension usage scenario, there are 4 methods may be commonly extended by alpha developer in their application. Detailed information is listed below:
protected abstract String getCommand(): This method returns the command of behavior which will be brought to client side. For instance, a extended Client State used for printing form maybe returns a command like ‘fromPrint’. And then, the JavaScript handlers registered for command ‘formPrint’ will be invoked. It is required method to be implemented.
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protected void afterFirstExecute(): Client State will be executed twice during the flow execution. One is when it is activated and makes response to client request; the other one is when handles client response after the execution of client logics and navigates to next state of the flow. So alpha developers could add extra logics for server side in this method.
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protected void addRequiredDataToContext(Context context): This method could be overridden to add or remove data which may be brought to client side. The thing to be notice is that, if you need to render a page or pop up a page, you should set value for the reply page like the code snippet below.
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Otherwise, if you are going to implement your own logic instead of page rendering, you can just leverage the implementation of the super class like the code snippet below.
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public String generateClientResponse(): This method is used to convert the server data to JSON message and send them back to client side. In the implementation of class ‘com.ibm.btt.automaton.ext.ClientState’, all the flow context data will be formatted into JSON as response data. So alpha developers could override this method to filter the response data.
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