Extending : Web service extension : Web services Tool Extension : Providing ID Mapping During SDO Generation : Implementing name mapper interface
Implementing name mapper interface
For more details, you could download the sample NameMappoingPlugin.zip and refer to the description of related classes.
1 During the SDO generation, the names defined in WSDL will be changed into valid Java names which will be used for the SDO data by default. In the name mapper interface, there is an input parameter with the type of WsOperation list which contains all the information, including the global data reference of selected operations. And there is another parameter with the type of list which contains all the simple Global data in the application for facility.
public interface INameMapper {
void map(List <WsOperation> selectedOperations,
List <DataElement> simpleGlobalData,
IProject targetProject);
2 The implementation class of the mapper interface should be configured in the extension. And then, Web services tool will prepare the required parameters and launch it. After execution of the extension class, the selectedOperations will be updated by project implementation and will reflect the project level reference logic.
Result: In the provided sample, the extension plug-in will pop up a dialog for end user to manipulate the data mapping relationship between SDO and global data dictionary. As the screenshot shown below, the left column lists the names from SDO. And the right column provides combo editors for each cell from which the global data could be selected.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
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Providing ID Mapping During SDO Generation