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Web services Mapper
The data transferred between Java Web services and client is quite different from the UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) context and data. To bridge the gap of the two different data systems, Web services mapper is used closely with Web services access operation for conversion between UDTT XML based data and Web services JavaBeans.
Web services mapper can process the input and output message data. The IN, OUT, and INOUT data transferring modes are provided to indicate the message data transferring direction for an operation that is generated by a wsdl file. Processing data transferring with these modes ensures the security of interface access for the authorized users.
Prerequisites for processing data transferring with different modes
The IN, OUT, and INOUT data transferring modes are available if your configuration in server code and in the wsdl or xsd file is set as the examples in the following list.
Note The default mode is IN mode. Server code configuration is not required for the IN mode.
The following codes illustrate an example for the configuration in the wsdl or xsd file for the IN mode.
wsdl file configuration for IN mode
The following codes illustrate an example for the server code configuration for the OUT mode.
Server code configuration forOUT mode
The following codes illustrate an example for the configuration in the wsdl or xsd file for the OUT mode.
wsdl file configuration for OUTmode
The following codes illustrate an example for the server code configuration for the INOUT mode.
Server code configurationfor INOUT mode
The following codes illustrate an example for the configuration in the wsdl or xsd file for the INOUT mode.
wsdl file configuration for INOUTmode
Definition and processing logic for data transferring modes
The following list describes the definition and processing logic for different data transferring modes.
The following codes illustrate an example for the IN mode that is defined in the xml file.
INmode definition in the xml file
IN mode definition in the xml file
The following codes illustrate an example for the processing logic of the IN mode.
IN modeprocessing logic
The following codes illustrate an example for the OUT mode that is defined in the xml file.
OUTmode definition in the xml file
The following codes illustrate an example for the processing logic of the OUT mode.
OUTmode processing logic
The following codes illustrate an example for the INOUT mode that is defined in the xml file.
INOUTmode definition in the xml file
The following codes illustrate an example for the processing logic of the INOUT mode.
INOUTmode processing logic
Compatibility with earlier versions for processing data transferring with different modes
The behavior of processing data transferring mode in UNICOM® Multichannel Bank Transformation Toolkit version or earlier is generated as the IN mode.
Note You need to regenerate the existing wsdl file to avoid the following issues:
The OUT and INOUT modes are processed as the IN mode.
CPU resources are wasted.
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Web services Runtime Overview