Extending : Widget extension
Widget extension
UNICOM® Digital Transformation Toolkit (UDTT™) Dojo widgets wrap dijit widgets with UDTT context binding support; therefore UDTT Dojo widgets have similar functions as dijit widgets. They can be bundled with UDTT context data automatically in UDTT framework. A developer can create a page without writing code by using the widgets provided by the UDTT XUI editor.
UDTT allows technical developers to implement customized widgets. The customized widgets can then be imported into the palette of the XUI editor so that they can be used by a functional developer. The following three high-level tasks are required to develop UDTT Dojo widgets that are customized for a project:
Customization of enabling widgets to be editable in the XUI editor, including:
Registering the widget as an extension point of a plug-in project
Defining the widget in a description file
Java implementation to show widget in the XUI editor
Registering the widget in the widget mapping file
Customization of generating HTML and JavaScript code from JSP tag, including:
Tag registration in JSP tag library file
JSP tag handler implementation
Customization of presenting widget in browser, including:
JavaScript implementation for the widget
The diagram below shows the relationships between the tasks that are required to create a customized widget. Note that the XUI file, JSP file, and the HTML page are either created by a functional developer or generated automatically by UDTT tools.
This graphic is described in the surrounding text.
For more information on performing the tasks that are required to customize UDTT Dojo widgets, refer to the following sections.
Using the table rendering feature of table widget
Enabling a customized widget in the XUI editor
Enabling a customized widget in runtime
Enabling tooltip for a customized widget
Advanced topics
Widget extension samples