Installing : Installing the UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit : Licensing UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit : Monitoring the ULT License Server
Monitoring the ULT License Server
Using commands
Windows: Use the Windows Service Control Manager.
UNIX and Linux: Use ult_srv status.
All operating systems: Use ult_licesrv64 -isrunning.
Using the ProcessInfo directory
You can also check the status of the server by examining the Process Info directory. By default, this is called processes, and it is under the working directory (to change its location, see below). Look for the following files:
Files in the ProcessInfo directory
The License Server is starting.
ULTLicenseServer.running exists
ULTLicenseServer.stopping does not exist
The License Server is running.
Both of these files exist:
The License Server is closing down.
No files
The License Server is not running.
While the service process is active, these files are held open for writing by the service; they can be read by another program if opened for read-access only. The contents of the file give the details reported by the -isrunning command (for example, PID=, STATUS=, and so on).
Usually, these files are tidied up by the service when its status changes (for example, when it stops). However, in the case of a catastrophic failure of a service, these files may be left on disk (that is, orphaned). You can find out if they are orphaned by trying to open them in another program with exclusive write access; if that succeeds, the process that created the file is no longer running, so the file can be deleted.
To specify the ProcessInfo directory
Set the ProcessInfoPath parameter in the License Server’s configuration file: see Configuring the ULT License Server: ult_licesrv.ini file.
Detailed current usage reporting
To get a detailed report of the current license usage status, use this command:
ult_licesrv64 /report[:json] filename
ult_srv -report[:json] filename
The report includes status summary; information about the active users for user-tracked categories (for example, users who have been allocated Named Users, Named Clients and Floating Users slots); and information about every active session.
Produces a report in JSON format that can be read by other processes. If you use this parameter, you should also include the filename parameter.
For plain text format, omit this parameter.
The name of the report file.
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Licensing UNICOM Digital Transformation Toolkit